USPS Shipping Equity Act

Although the bill was introduced months ago, I don’t believe I’ve seen it addressed in this forum. Click on the “Take Action” button if you wish to support.

But the local district alcohol distribution networks, who are highly controlled by organized crime, will not get their cut.

I have seen examples of this where I live. The laws and regulations are there to line the pockets of the mafia.

Would this allow shipping of homebrew, or just shipping from commercial producers?

The passage of this bill will meet fierce opposition in the legislature. We will see who has sold out to the influence of organized crime.

Where is Elliot Ness?

A concern I have, regardless who the shipper is, is how do they verify the age of the person placing the order?  Unless some sort of facial recognition software is used, how can the enforce the “under 21” drinking age law?  Perhaps they can ask for identification from the person signing for the order???

Just commercial. The rest of us will continue to ship on the sly like we’ve always been doing.

I wonder if this would drive the price up even higher for craft beer, at least for in demand options like Treehouse, etc.

I’m contacting my congressman directly and asking if homebrew can be included. Probably won’t happen, but it’s always nice to dream. Anyway the AHA can get involved?

The AHA has been working on this for 25 years.  That’s an indication of how difficult it is.

You have the mafia in Texas?  Do they ride horses?

Cadillac Escalades.

Asked my brewing friend about this, and he was employed in the craft beer industry in Austin, Texas. He said without a doubt the legislators are in the deep pockets of organized crime.


Who do you think was behind the fence at the grassy knoll?

Bier bewusst genießen

Ted Cruz’s dad.

That was the NOLA mob.

Private carriers have to get ID and signature upon delivery for alcohol.  I don’t see why it would be any different for USPS.

I know a guy who knows a guy who….

Under that conspiracy theory, the mafia should be in favor of this bill. The more product moved, the larger the payoffs, etc.

Quite the opposite. They lose total control in this scenario. As is, they can dictate when and where shipments go, and completely control the distribution.
This is not just theory, it is happening every day. But they do it “legally”, through legislators who are bought and paid for.

My wife and I are in a wine club and the only time the delivery people have made me show an id or even sign for the cases was when we rerouted our delivery to a Walgreens.  Even then only once.  They are required to show an adult signature but maybe not your signature.  ;D


You probably look old enough that asking for ID  would seem comical  :slight_smile: But even if it’s not enforced well, you’d think that the federal government would be more strict, not less.  I still don’t see this as a reason to keep the ban.

Here is where you will find the answer…follow the money.
Hint: crooked politicians.