Ut-Oh...newbie needs a 2nd opinion

Was just about to bottle my Winter Warmer (a little late maybe but it’ll be winter for awhile…) from my secondary and noticed a bunch of little white floaties. I’m thinking this is probably some sort of mold but really really hoping it isn’t. I took a final gravity reading and it was at my intended range (1.017) and I tasted some and it was actually pretty good. I would really prefer not to throw it out.

I can’t really tell from the pictures. Wait a week and see what happens.

Those are flavor spots. Drink up!
Only thing is I keg and it can take up to 160psi. Your bottles cannot.
If you can keep them in the garage after carbing up - they probably won’t pop
and you just gotta drink em before spring thaw.

Define “flavor spots”…

Sorry, I spelled it wrong. It’s Flavour spots. Does that help any?

Like little specks of joy and love? Thanks for the help, about to bottle it now…

It’s hard to tell from the pictures, but it may just be yeast floating on the surface. Let us know how it turns out. I’ll bet it’s fine.

Yeah, will do. I tasted a sample and I thought it smelled and tasted great, it is currently in bottles, so I’ll have another taste in a few weeks