Utah Brewers/Drinkers

Hmm I swear it was only a couple months ago that they passed a law loosening the restrictions on beer events.  Then I read this email today from the folks @ the beer nut.  I think there’s a bit of info in the recent headlines section too.  Anyway thought I’d pass it along for any utah residents who hadn’t heard about it.  cheers and good luck, j

Perhaps you have heard about the liquor law changes being proposed in the Utah
Senate. You probably didn’t hear that one of the changes in Senate Bill 314
would stop City Weekly from putting on their Second Annual Utah Beer Fest.

Didn’t it feel great last summer, being part of a REAL beer fest where you could
sample the brewers wares with the need of tokens or chits or any silly payment
per sample. Ahh, it was just like everywhere else.

Well, Senator Valentine noticed you enjoying yourself and decided to put a stop
to it. Here is the relevant summary from the bill:

prohibits event permittees from selling, offering for sale, or furnishing an
indefinite 60 or unlimited number of alcoholic products during a set period for
a fixed price

Other fun (read that sarcastically) changes are the push back of beer sales to
11:30 am, an hour and a half later than current law of 10:00 am.

Perhaps it would be worth your while to either go to the committee meeting or
call your Senator and/or Committee members.

The committee meeting is tomorrow (Wed 23rd) at 7:30 am in room 210 of the
Senate Building.

Link to text of SB-314: http://le.utah.gov/~2011/bills/sbillint/sb0314.pdf

Link to committee schedule: Utah Legislative Committee Information

Link to Legislative Roster: http://le.utah.gov/Documents/2010roster.pdf

Here are the committee members contact information:

John L Valentine
857 E 970 N
(R) OREM UT 84097
Utah Home (801) 2241693
Office (801) 3736345
Fax (801) 3774991

Curtis S Bramble 3663 N 870 E
(R) PROVO UT 84604
Utah Home (801) 2263663
Cell (801) 3615802
Fax (801) 8128297

Gene Davis 865 PARKWAY AVE
Salt Lake Home (801) 4849428
Fax (801) 4849442

David Hinkins P O BOX 485
Carbon, Emery, Home (435) 3845550
Grand, San Juan, Office (435) 7482828
Utah Fax (435) 7482089

Dan Liljenquist 553 S DAVIS BLVD
Davis Home (801) 2942378

Karen Mayne 5044 W BANNOCK CIR
Asst. Minority Whip Home (801) 9687756
Salt Lake

Stephen H Urquhart 634 E 1100 S
(R) ST GEORGE UT 84790
Washington Phone (435) 6687759
Fax (435) 2724484

Kevin T Van Tassell 3424 W 1500 N
(R) VERNAL UT 84078
Daggett, Duchesne, Home (435) 7890724
Summit, Uintah, Office (435) 7897082
Wasatch Fax (435) 7898411

No wonder ppl drive to Whyomin for Beer…

That’s just silliness. What is that guy Mr. Valentine thinking???

Every time I get to thinking how bad the beer scene is in western colorado I remember the days in SLC.  Actually, their beer laws are terrible but their brewpubs have caught up to western colorado and now it’s a tossup as to which would be the overall better beer scene.  cheers, j

Oh, how I do not miss living in Utah! FWIW, I read comments from a brewer on a Utah beer blog and apparently there were even worse things in the bill that got cut. Check the comments here:

He doesn’t think!  >:(The man is a religious zealot and unfortunately he uses his pulpit to make the rest of us follow his beliefs. Sadly, he is not even the worst of our legislature. I could get started and go on for days, but I will spare you all my rants.