Vanilla bean usage

Just bought these

Wondering about usage- split the pods and pull the beans out and throw them in keg, or should I bag them for removal? It’s for vanilla porter.

I usually split the bean down the middle then cut it into quarters. Typically I add all the pieces to a secondary to let the particles settle. The inside is like a pasty powder. Lots of tiny little black pellets. Also, start with one bean for flavor and add more to desired taste. I find one or two beans are usually enough for me.

I split 2 beans down the middle, scrape the good stuff from the inside, add pods, seeds and all into a mesh bag, and into the keg. I think the trick is to let the vanilla get a LITTLE more than you really want (sampling every day)and then pull the bag because the vanilla will fade over time.

ok that makes sense. wondering if leaving 2 whole beans in the keg matters much…figure it only has so much to contribute before its tapped out.

^^^^This sounds great for kegging. I bottle and would prepare the beans the same but skip the bag and put them in fermenter when final gravity is confirmed then taste each day.  I know Ken kegs, just thought I would mention that. I agree that you need to wait until the flavor is a bit stronger than your target.

presume nobody is worrying about soaking the beans in alcohol, correct?

Nope, I don’t.

ever just leave the beans in the keg?

No, I never wanted overpowering vanilla , so I always pulled when it was just more than I wanted. Actually, I pulled it when it was just right the first time and then realized it drops off over time.

good info, thanks. wasn’t sure how strong it would be. more reason to taste daily  ;D

I just make a vanilla extract with three or four beans, split down the middle, in a pint of vodka. Then I dose a small sample at packaging and scale up. 50-100 mL usually ends up being about right for a 5 gal keg.

that’s an interesting method. so you use 50-100ml of the vodka vanilla bean mixture and put it in the keg?

Just say no to soaking in alcohol.  Even when I add unwashed mushrooms to secondary there’s no problem.

not worried about infection. thinking a tincture might be one approach to control the flavor contribution…and then of course add more as needed as it dissipates.

I don’t like soaking in alcohol either as I believe that you get some flavor addition from the alcohol.  Even vodka.  I’ve done it, I don’t care for it.  Your mileage may vary.

I have. It was not very different than taking them out after a couple of weeks. Big aroma to begin with, but it faded with time, which wasn’t very long.

My guess is an alcohol extraction would get you there with flavor but not aroma. And in a Porter I would really want the sweet aroma mixed with the roasty aroma.

Right; add it to taste then rack the beer on top of it.

Isn’t it an alcohol extraction either way?

This is my preferred method. Not because I’m afraid of infection but I feel I get better extraction. I do the same thing for cacao nibs.

so got my beans…and curve ball. they are madagascar bourbon vanilla beans! kind of smell like leather and unlit fresh cigars to me. not so sure im going to get any vanilla out of these puppies. i cut some up and put it in a glass of porter to see what it does.

EDIT: little raisin smell like also. yep thats it. chewed on one-tastes a bit like raisin to me.