Family member gave me homemade vanilla extract, made from expensive vanilla beans.
Is there a decent recipe that uses this ?
I do all grain session ales, 4 1/2 gallon batches.
Family member gave me homemade vanilla extract, made from expensive vanilla beans.
Is there a decent recipe that uses this ?
I do all grain session ales, 4 1/2 gallon batches.
Check into Denny’s Bourbon vanilla porter.
Add it to your favorite stout.
If you like session ales, how about a Vanilla Cream Ale? Lots of recipes for that available on the internet.
Yes, this. I had a coffee vanilla cream ale by Ballast Point at NHC a few years back that was delightful.
Thanks all.
Vanilla cream ale looks like what I was looking for.
Using vanilla extract in secondary seems to work
Will use it very sparingly at first to get an idea of
what I’m getting into. I have a habit of being
overzealous with disastrous results.
Pour 4 4 oz. sample of the finished beer. Dose each wit a different measured amount of extract. Taste to determine which you like best, then scale that amount up to the batch size. Vanilla will be the first thing to fade, so start out a little stronger than you think it should be.
Thanks, got it.
I have everything for the vanilla cream ale, would like to try coffee vanilla cream ale,
once one of my Speidel fermenters are free.
Could I make a cup off my favorite coffee and put it in the 2 week secondary ?
A very slight hint of coffee would do, 4 1/2 gallon batch. Don’t have a cold press,
whole beans, or a bean grinder. At home organic Shoprite ground coffee is used,
and tastes better than DD, or Starbucks.
FWIW, I always use whole beans in the secondary. I still get the flavor but extract less of the caffeine IMHO.
The last coffee stout I made I used 2 oz coarsely ground beans in a bag after primary for 3 days. That provided a fairly strong coffee kick in 6 1/2 gallons of stout. For your proposed beer I’d think ~1/2 oz for a similar amount of time might give you the slight hint you seek.
Thanks all for the tips/suggestions.
Going to use 2 tablespoons organic ground coffee in a SS tea ball, and
2 tablespoons vanilla extract in 2 week secondary.
Vanilla extracts alcohol content will kill the ookies.
I have an issue with ground coffee not having some form of sanitizing.
I’m an OCD sanitizer, and never had an infected batch/bottle of beer.
A slight subtle hint of coffee and vanilla is the goal.
Temperature will be monitored during wort chilling, 205 degrees seems to be
the sweet spot to add coffee, and removed at 4 minutes.
Too much additions and the beer becomes a holiday/cordial drink to me, which I dislike.