When creating extremely plain lager recipes, I’m finding that many don’t readily fit into a BJCP style.
For instance, I was just looking at making an easy drinking lager like this:
11 gallons:
10# 2-Row
8# Munich
1 oz Northern Brewer 8.5% - 45 min
1 oz Northern Brewer 8.5% - 25 min
2 pk Wyeast 2124 Bohemian Lager
Hochkurz Mash:
144F - 30 min maltose rest
158F - 60 min dextrinization rest
Double batch sparge
Ferment at 45F until krausen falls
Diacetyl rest at 68F for 5 days
Lager 6 weeks at 35*F
in terms of color it really may depend on if light or dark munich. cut the two row and boost the dark munich and you could easily be in color range for a dunkel. a nice hoppy dunkel