Probably looking for an average value. The beer is a 1.070 holiday ale; somewhere between an amber and brown. Is 2.4 volumes a good starting point?
Went with 2.45 volumes. Looked back and used to use table sugar for 2.5 volumes. I used cane sugar so hopefully there is no difference.
Table sugar and cane sugar are the same thing, so at least you’re set there.
To me, 2.4ish sounds about right for an average-carbonation ale.
Thanks. The appearance of the sugars was different so I was a bit concerned. The cane sugar was softer, finer, and had more of an off white color when compared to regular table sugar.
You can get unrefined cane sugar that has a brown tint to it. Sugar in the Raw is unrefined cane sugar.
IME, the falvor difference are subtle if you’re using a lb or so in a beer. I don’t think the amount used for priming will have an impact.
As far as fermentability, they are or should be identical.
Thanks. Giving these away so I would hate to have mismeasured based on a different sugar’s fermentability.