Water Anelizzzed

So wort after boil  on  my lager ph5.4 and ale 5.5  is right on the money …but im wandering if theres anything missing or what types of beer will fit with this water reading .  Any explenation would help as i struggle with this readout .

I get the water straight from a mineral spring in the sand stone mountains . So untainted .

Iron seems kinda high.

Ok . Ill ask him tomorrow what the mesurment is out off and if its correct . In case its correct …down side?

Very high amounts can lead to metallic off flavors.

Upon closer review, the iron is being reported in micrograms per liter, not milligrams per liter. So this is actually 0.1 ppm and should be fine for brewing water.

Eric already caught the micro-grams units. Iron is OK.

19 ppm TDS - that is in Reverse Osmosis range.  I wish my water was like that.

Where are you located? Water out of sandstone is not so bad usually.

+1.  Same here.

Sho tnx guys for the help … the water comes from a mountain range close to Worcester on the southern tip of Africa. Any stylez u would prefer with this water build?

That water would work for light lagers and ales.

You can add minerals for darker beers. You have an almost blank slate to build on.

This might help.

Need to work on this . Tmx