What kind of water profile should I shoot for on a Scottish export? I’m using bru’n water, are any of the preset water profiles close for this style?
Malty Brown would be my guess.
Somewhat surprisingly, Scottish styles can benefit from having a decent amount of sulfate in them. There are several areas around Edinburough that have sulfate dominated water. That helps the malty beer to dry out adequately.
I’ve used an elevated sulfate profile (~100 ppm SO4) for years in my Scottish Heavy and it’s a very quaffable beer. I wouldn’t default to a high chloride profile for this style.
Interesting, thanks guys!
That is surprising. Thx for the info.
For a really good Wee Heavy, you want it to have enough dryness not to be cloyingly sweet. Don’t have my spreadsheet handy, but to my recollection, sulfate level is right in the wheelhouse that Martin mentions.
lol I’m still around here and there. Just been pretty slammed with getting the kiddo through her last year of high school and prepped for college. You gonna be at NHC this year, since it’s in the PNW?
It doesn’t look good. 2 already on vacation that week and I’m scheduled Wed - Saturday. I was hoping to at least slip down there for one afternoon, but most likely not.