Water Profile for APA Using R/O Water

I’ve read so much information on water my head is spinning! It CAN be daunting, to say the least.
I’d like comments before I brew on this profile I’ve arranged for my next brew of a Sierra Nevada Pale Ale (APA) clone.
I’m trying to help the hops move forward in the aroma and flavor as SNPA is a true pioneer of this category.

I’ve got 13 gallons of grocery store bought R/O water from their machines. I’m sure it’s not completely absent of any minerals but close enough to build my brewing water. I have Epson Salt, Baking Soda, and Calcium Chloride. I think I may have some acid of some sort, as well. My water is EXTREMELY high in Calcium calling for 75% dilution.

Please take a look at my EZ Water file and let me know what you think.
Thanks in advance for your help!

I’m confused. You mentioned you bought RO but also mention your water is high in calcium. If your water is that high in calcium, it might be easier to just go full RO and start from scratch. If you do that you will need. gypsum, calcium chloride, and Epsom. You might need a bit of acid to keep your ph in line, but maybe not.

Correct. I’ve used 25% of my water in this profile. These numbers seem to be in line but I don’t know if it’s an APA profile. I’m not grasping the need for Sodium and other minerals to enhance hop characteristics yet. Of course I can start over with straight R/O water and may.

What are your thoughts on the above profile?

I’d say you’re mostly ok considering your base water is also high in sulfates.

You might not need the baking soda and should never need both baking soda and acid (the neutralize one another).

If you want a bit of sodium, canning salt would be fine. If you add salt you can lower your calcium chloride which would lower your calcium and increase your ph negating the need for baking soda to raise it.

Thank you.

I also notice the Chloride along with the Sodium is low in this profile.
At the risk of showing my actual lack of grasping this…
Isn’t table salt NaCL? This would raise sodium AND chloride?
I understand the Chloride gives a snap to the hop presents.

Table salt has other stuff in it. I’ve heard mixed info on kosher non-iodized salts. Both have anti caking ingredients. All that said, I use kosher salt cuz I’m lazy and it seems fine. If I had pickling salt I would use it.

I usually use kosher salt too, fwiw.

I have Kosher Salt showing ingredients…


That’s it.
How much would you use in 12 gallons at the HLT? The EZ Water doesn’t have this for additions and will also effect the other minerals.

That’s weird that it doesn’t support salt. Try Bru’n water. There is a free version. That’s what many of us use.

Bru’n water. There is a free version

Trying to quickly input my numbers for a look it kept asking for my password after a few minutes.

I use pickling salt when brewing. Just salt, dissolves faster than kosher.

Plus, if you home-brew, you really ought to ferment your own pickles…