Water Profiling

I’m getting dangerously close to knowing everything that I personally want to know about water. I can stumble thru brewers friend quite well now. Got a good grip on pH, for me at least.

Drop box water profiles…
Can someone explain, in terms a redneck can grasp, how they come up with the different profiles? At the end of this little water journey I’m on I would like to understand how much Gypsum and CaCl to add for certain beers. It looks like you can use drop box preloaded or create your own targets.

I’d like to know sulfate and chloride targets (range) for…
Light colored malt fwd, hop fwd, and balanced
Dark colored malt fwd, and balanced

Seems like it would help to know why too, so long as I don’t get lost in the weeds.

I say, ask Santa for a cheap computer and down load Bru’n Water.  It will serve you very well!

Santa has a no contact order against me. Plus I’d like to know how if the power goes out or zombie apocalypse.

I think I might have a grip on it but just checking. My water is
Ca 17
Mg 10
Na 8
Cl 0
SO4 0
CaCO3 107
pH 7.8

Generally I need 1/2 tsp lactic in the sparge always, and my light colored beer needs 1/2 tsp in the mash too.

I’ll only be playing with sulfate and chloride. Little beers get 4g of Ca, moderate beers get 8, and bigger get 12. Then for example, if I was using 8g total in a balanced beer it would be 4g gypsum and 4g chloride. Hop forward would be more like 6/2, and malt forward would be 2/6.

Am I on the right track?

Chapter 7 in the book Water: A comprehensive guide for brewers by John Palmer and Collin Kaminski covers exactly what you are wanting to know. I know that doesn’t answer your question directly, but I’m not at the point where I am comfortable enough with my water knowledge to give you advice in confidence. The rest of the book is very good as well. There are a lot of equations in the book, because it’s aimed at both pros and homebrewers. I highly suggest getting it. It will help you get a firm grasp of your water and alkalinity. But the entire chapter 7 is what you would be looking for. I don’t know your financial situation, but the book is only $13 on amazon, fairly affordable and worth twice that in information, easily. It’s helped me get a grasp on my pH.

Thanks. Its on my list