I live in the Annapolis MD area and am on a well. Recently installed a carbon filter in my RIMS and was wondering where i can get my water tested. Mainly looking for Ca, Mg, Na, S04, Ci and Hc03. When I talked to “the Culligan Man” he gave me some general ideas but was not much help other than trying to sell me a water conditioner. in order to tweak my water profile to specific style guidelines I need to know what I am starting with.
Does anyone know where I can have my water tested?
Test W-6 runs $16.50 and gives you all the info you need for brewing. I’m on a well also, and this is what I use.
Sounds like you know not to use softened water.
Yup, Wardlab. Just did the same thing.
Just a reminder for when you get the results from them…multiply the SO4-S result by 3 to get your true sulfate number.
What type of containers are suitable for sending samples to Ward labs? And how much water to send?
On their web site is a submittal form for homebrewers. They suggest using a plain old plastic drinking water bottle rinsed well…
A very small water bottle is suitable for the typical testing by Ward. The last samples I sent to Ward were contained in White Labs yeast vials (cleaned of course). 1 vial per sample is enough. It saves on shipping.
I have plenty of those! Thanks.
If you email them, they’ll send containers and an envelope to put them in. I just use a small plastic water bottle myself.
Splendid. This thread has the answers I’ve been looking for as I’ve been wanting to send a sample to WardLabs. Thanks!