Watermelon Pilz

Suffice it to say, I love beer!! I also love watermelon! I probably eat 1 20lb humongous Sam’s Club watermelon a week. With that unnecessary info stated, I want to make a watermelon infused pilsner. Maybe my czech lager recipe but leaning more to a german pils.

Without having any experience with adding fruit to beer I would like to get some advice.

Will pureeing then freezing the melon kill anything that would cause issues? Could/should I add the puree still frozen?

Do I add the fruit to the wort prior to pitching or should I wait until fermentation starts? Should I add after fermentation fermentation is complete?

How much in a 5 gallon batch?

Thinking of using S-23 yeast for a bit more fruitiness.

Thoughts please, thanks in advance!!

My understanding is that it’s very hard to get watermelon flavor into beer. It’s a subtle flavor and It might ferment out if you add it early. I know people who have used a watermelon extract to enhance the flavor. You might consider making a tincture with it and adding at bottling/kegging.


I’ve got nothing but best wishes, and maybe a useful link.  Skip up to the 1 hour mark.  Not sure how much the podcast will help.  Good luck with this.

I will look into making a tincture. I assume its 190 proof everclear and the watermelon pulp? Totally out of my realm with this one.

Hey, thanks!! Will watch this tonight.

That would work, although I think vodka is more common. Drew is the tincture king so he may have advice.

I’m about to cold crash a melonberry pale ale. I used brewers best watermelon and strawberry natural fruit flavoring when adding my dry hops.

What about this stuff?


You could add it per glass: Watermelon Craft Puree® — Amoretti

Disclaimer: Any comment I add is simply the way I brew beer. There are certainly other ways that can be equally effective which other brewers may contribute. This is what I’ve found that works for me using my equipment and processes so I offer this for your consideration. YMMV

The brewery I work at makes an awesome watermelon soda. Great watermelon flavor and they just use Amoretti. It’s really good.

Ive used a couple of Amoretti extracts and I’ve been impressed

It’s one of the better extract manufactures out there for sure.

This intrigues me greatly!! Good video too. This might be the answer and it is definitely a lot less work. I will calculate the dosage rate per 15 gallons.
Thanks for posting!!

Olive Nation extracts are generally very good, too.

I haven’t used their watermelon specifically, but I’ve used many flavorings from Apex for home soda making with very good results. If they can pull off a good starfruit, plum, and pineapple, then I would expect that their watermelon should be excellent as well.


I puree and then freeze.  Unfreeze the concentrate and add to the keg.  I use a little watermelon extract, mostly for aroma.

Agree! Real fruit is great but sometimes the extract works better.