Weird Fermentation

So I tried my first all grain and I pitched my yeast at like 7pm and it’s already done bubbling is that normal?
I am making a wheat and I used Wyeast 3068 Direct Pitch Activator and my OG was 1.040

*pitched it 7pm wed.

the bubbling was crazy till today and just about stopped

It could very well be done.  Check your gravity.  Then check it again in 24 hours.  Let us know. :slight_smile:

If it’s an ale yeast at typical ale fermentation temperatures, if you’ve pitched enough yeast and aerated your wort properly, then, yes, it’s possible that your yeast could take off relatively fast.

If you saw bubbles much before 8-12 hours after fermentation, though, it’s more likely to just be dissolved air escaping from your beer.

It’s not at all unusual for ales to (mostly) finish fermenting in just 2-3 days.

I took a reading and the final gravity reading was 1.002 and the og was 1.040 so that’s like 5% abv cool. I am surprised that it took only a day and a half to finish fermenting.

What temp did it ferment at?

Around 74 bc it said if I ferment higher it’ll add a banana clove flavors to it

Wow, that’s really high IMO.  No wonder it finished quickly.  FWIW, in general lower temps favor clove and higher temps favor banana.

Congrats on your first all-grain.

Allow the beer to ferment until terminal gravity, which will be when you measure 2-3 consecutive gravity readings the same, on 2-3 consecutive days. Typically I allow the beer to stay on the yeast an additional 3-4 days minimum to condition and then rack the beer into a keg or bottle.

IMO? FWIW? Huh I am new to this so I don’t know the lingo

IMO = in my opinion
FWIW = for what it’s worth

Out of curiosity, use your hydrometer to measure the gravity of some plain water (distilled if you have any).  1.002 seems pretty low for a true FG.

I was thinking the same thing…