Weird Yeast layers, has anyone seen this before?

After racking the beer to a keg, I added some boiled and cooled water to the carboy swirled it around and poured into a erlenmeyer flask.
I now have about 800 ml of yeast, then there is about a half inch of liquid, then another inch or two of yeast on top. The beer was a porter, and the yeast was Wyeast 1318, London Ale III.
Has anyone seen anything like this before?

I was just using the burton ale yeast and the pancake on top WOULD NOT DROP. I cold crashed at ~40 for two days and when I went to rack I still had to punch through the layer of yeast on top. ended up having to put a bit of grain bag ovre the end of my dip tube cause gunk that got transfered kept clogging the poppit.

Here’s what I am talking about.
The last batch was the third time using this pitch of yeast.

That’s totally normal for 1318.

It didn’t do that the first two times.

You may not have frothed (sp??) It up that much last time. It’s basically yeast mousse.


I agree looks over swirled…I use mason jars and keep washing till clear.

Is this yeast actually washable? My experience with wlp 002, for example, is that it would not unflocculate, even in wort. The flocculation binds up the trub.


When I was brewing with it I would just top crop, since it was so easy.

1968, on the other hand, I have rinsed successfully, after a lot of vigorous swirling.