Weldless fittings

I’m sure this has been asked many times before but I couldn’t find it. I’m building a three pot setup using 15 gallon sanke kegs. I have all the fittings I need, all weld-less. For whatever reason, I cannot get the mash tun fittings to install without slow leaks. I’m talking 2-5 drips an hour. but steady.

HLT tank is fine. No leaks, although I’ve yet to install the thermometer.

I’ve tried large washer on the inside, no washer on the outside. Washers inside and out. Same setups plus teflon tape. Always with some seepage.

What am I doing wrong?

All the ones I have work without drips…

All of mine have an o-ring on the outside between either a ball valve or washer and the pot.  Make sure you are compressing the o-ring slightly and you should be good.

I would also check the holes you drilled and make sure there are no burrs in the holes.  I have had burrs create enough of a bump along the o-ring to keep it from sealing properly.

Good luck!

That’s why I only use welded fittings.  :slight_smile:

Agree with wingnut.  You need a high temp silicone o-ring.  All my weldless fittings have them, no drips.  Even though they are pricey all holes in my kettles were made with a Greenlee knockout punch, not a drill bit.  Perfect size every time, no burs.