I think it’s great Danstar is expanding their line-up, if only to put pressure on Fermentis to introduce new strains. Danstar has a new saison yeast too I’m interested in. I’ve had poor luck with Windsor in the past (really low attenuation), so I usually only use Fermentis.
I would be very interested to hear from those who have used this yeast. I use US05 for pretty much everything and love it. The only downside for me is lower than desired flocculaion since I bottle. The Danstar shows medium-high flocculation which would be a good thing. I would also be interested about attenutation. I get right around 78% with US05 normally which is just about perfect for most of the beers I brew.
I saw BRY-97 when I failed to get any amarillo the other day. Started digging around the net and found the following thread which has a few brewer’s opinions who have used it:
I’ll give it a try sometime, but I don’t have my hopes up - I didn’t have much luck with Pacman, and this sounds about the same, so I might just stick with US-05 when using dry.
Windsor is known for its low attenuation. It does make a pretty good mild or bitter though. The maltiness really comes through as you would want in an English style.
I’ve used it in four batches so far. All fermented in the mid 60s. It’s very clean at these temperatures. It does seem to mute hop expression just a touch, but a small recipe adjustment could take care of that. It ferments fast, but likes to hang out on top of the beer afterwards unless you cold crash. It definitely clears much faster than US05, especially if you apply cooling. I don’t have my notes in front of me, but IIRC attenuation was close to 80%.
I bought two packets and used them in an IPA but unfortunately I cannot report results because I blew it somehow. I’m pretty sure I re-hydrated too warm and pitched into 58 degree wort and thermal shocked it. No signs of fermentation - NOTHING - whatsoever for about 20 hours so I pitched a packet of S05 straight into the carboy and away it went within hours.
I was really looking forward to it too!
If my LHBS starts carrying it I’ll try it again but otherwise I’m going to continue using S05 or WLP vials and starters.
I’m just not accustomed to waiting this long to see some signs of krausen!
For the 6 plus years I’ve been brewing I’ve never had to wait more than a day to see the typical, lacy formation on the surface of the wort. Chalk this one up to inexperience I guess.
So we have a 1.060 measured OG with 33gm of dried yeast pitched total. 22gm re-hydrated and 11gm pitched dry.
Any thoughts on how it’s going to taste, or suggestions on what I do with it as soon as primary ferment seems complete?
I hope it’s drinkable but if not, I’ll just take the lesson for what it’s worth, feed it to the sewer system and try that yeast again another day.