My little one gallon batches are going bezerk with a split pack of Wyeast 1056 that I shared among the two gallons. I’ve never seen this much activity before with dry yeast. Is wet yeast always going to give more activity over dry?
Nope, not necessarily.
What he said.
To give a bit more detail, it depends on a lot of factors. Pitching rate, health of yeast, whether you made a starter, gravity of the wort, etc. Sometimes a Wyeast smack pack tends to get a good head start if you smacked it a few hours prior, but not always.
It’s more than simply wet vs dry yeast, although that can be one factor.
Is there a comparison of wet vs dry for all or most of the dry yeast offerings? not meaning to hijack the thread but, my most recent starter did not start and I had some dry to fall back on, which made me wonder, why not just use the dry? In this case I was suspecting warm conditions in shipping so, dry yeast stores longer, arrives safe, if the reault is just as good,…
But there is a lot more variety in liquid.