What air pump do you use with your aeration stone?

I have a 2 micron aeration stone that I use in an in-line aeration manifold that I built. Works grest. I have been using pure O2 since I have it and it’s under pressure, and needed to buy nothing more. However, I think I may be over oxygenating the wort as it’s really hard to control and gauge just how much O2 is getting in there.

So I bought a 10 gallon whisper air pump from the beer store and a sanitary filter. Well. The pump lacks the sheer oomph to push any sort of air through this stone, and even left me with 10 gallons of under oxygenated amber ale that I’m going to have to repitch to get it to terminal gravity.

I was wondering what everyone else was using as far as air pumps go to push through their stones? Or even any suggestions on using pure O2.


In my case, I simply gave up on a stone altogether.  I could never aerate long enough before all the foam created by the stone overflowed all over the place.  Now I just connect the (el cheapo pet store) aquarium pump hose to a racking cane and let 'er rip.  Whatever oxygen dispersion I lose by having larger bubbles, I sorta make up for by just aerating longer - without the foam issues, I can aerate indefinitely.

I use an “Elite 800” - 2.0 W, 1500 cc/min - http://www.amazon.com/Elite-800-Air-Pump-A800/dp/B0002AQFZ2