What grain mill to go with

So here I go with a question I know has probably been covered numerous times. So I am going to purchase my first mill and I am pretty overwhelmed. There are so many to choose from like anything else. Midwest has The Barley Crusher that has gotten really good reviews. Northern brewer has The Captain Crush mill with everyone saying they love it but it’s pricey.

What have you guys/gals use that you would recommend? Cant really go over $200 right now and I don’t wanna buy a piece of crap.

Monster mill with hopper is about $160 out the door. Assembly is a bit of a hassle, but that’s a one time thing. I don’t trust the acrylic on the captain crush. Metal gets banged up, acrylic breaks.

I bought the JSP mill.  MaltMill, grain mill based on some recommendations here. I got the single adjustment. I condition my grain, have it adjusted to .025, and turn it with an 18v drill.  It works great and from my 4 uses so far: I believe it is bullet proof.

Agree with Steve. I have a MM3 and hopper. Since I used a square (per his input), assembly was easy.

Edit: it replaced a non functioning Batley Crusher if that’s of any value to you.

I recently purchased a JSP, non-adjustable. $110. for a piece of equipment that seems virtually indestructible. I’m very happy with its performance so far. I’ve brewed four batches with it so far, and it has been great. I have finished all the brews with just under 80% efficiency, and quick and trouble free lautering.

Another thing (this is being discussed on another forum right now) is that the JSP is pretty easy to hand crank. Its rollers are ten inches long, and the fixed gap is set at .040", so it’ll crush 10 lbs. of barley in about 10 minutes by hand. It used to take about a half hour with my old Corona.

I have heard great things about the JSP and Barley Crusher. After posting this I did see that other post and kinda feel like a schmuck for not reading it. So with the nonadjustable mill (JSP), does that just mean it comes at one set width and that’s it?

No adjustment capability, which makes it harder to get a good crush on some smaller grains like rye.

That shortcoming can be mitigated by mixing one’s grist well before crushing.  It’s not a complete fix, but it beats having to break out the feeler gauges to readjust one’s mill.

As I mentioned in the other thread, I own a JSP Model P and a 3-Roller Monster Mill.  If I could only keep one mill, it would be the JSP.  What the JSP lacks in bling, it more than makes up for in tolerances and durability.  There’s significantly more play in the bearing surfaces on the Monster Mills than there is on the JSP mills.  The bearing plates need to be aligned carefully on a Monster Mill or the rollers will bind.

Which I have done in the past.

As far as the feelers, I marked settings on the knob and base so I can adjust quickly. Will check again with the feelers someday.

So my other question is, with the JSP ( I think its the one I am going to go with) do you guys crush the grain twice? I am wondering if the crush is why I have been so far off on hitting my target gravity’s. The mill at my LHBS is the only one that I have used

I get a nice crush on my JSP with one pass.

I have the JSP adjustable (bough it used for 45 bucks) ripped the hand crank off and use a cordless 18 v dewalt
and love the thing. I have run at least 250 LBS of grain thru the thing and never need to adjust. In fact I never have adjusted at all it came adjusted perfect and I have never messed with it. Only drawback I see is I can only dump 3 LBS into the hopper at a time. Ive never taken the time to build a larger hopper.

I never run malt through either of my mills twice.

With respect to hitting your gravities, have you adjusted your extraction rate (or extraction efficiency) to reflect your brew house extraction rate (or efficiency)?  A high extraction rate is not as important as a consistent extraction rate.

Once I set the gap, there’s no need to run it thru twice.

I have a Millar’s Mill and am very happy with the construction and the results.