What temp to use Orval Dregs?

So I made a Hoppy Belgian Blonde Ale (sans sugar or adjuncts). The beer is currently in secondary, in my ferm fridge (which is set to 30F. It tasted really good putting it into secondary. My plan had been to just let it stay in the chill zone for a week or so and then keg it, but then I remembered that I have been meaning to try the Orval trick, and I happen to have a couple Orvals from my wintertime trip to Belgium. Would I need to move the carboy into a warmer place for the dregs to do their work? Should I risk it?

I left my beer around 65 to 70 for a couple months after adding my dregs. Just check your beer until you get your taste that you want and then cool.

+1  left my Saison at room temps for a couple months after innoculation with orval…worked nicely