So I have become friendly with 47 hops. They sent me 8 ounces of each of the following hops: Azacca, Jarrylo, Pekko, Sterling, and El Dorado. I was thinking of using the Jarrylo, Pekko, Sterling in a farmhouse ale/ipa and then using the Azacca and El Dorado in a pale ale/ipa. How does that sound ? Any Suggestions?
That sounds like a good plan to me. I personally don’t care for Jarrylo or El Dorado but I am sure they have their place in certain styles at certain amounts and paired with other hops. I may be alone in that feeling as I know a lot of people like El Dorado.
I believe I did an apa with azacca and jarrylo that didn’t turn out great but I think a lot of the issues were related to the brewer his hop amounts/usage…
I think the plan is overall pretty good. A couple thoughts :
1/ I’m a hophead and rarely meet a hop that I can’t stand in any beer. But one of those is Jarrylo. It has a strange phenolic banana character that is very strange in a hop. Been there both times I used it, one of which was a one gallon single hop APA (luckily only a gallon). The only beer that loosely comes to mind to pair it with is a hefe, but I don’t like hop character to speak of in a hefe. Just my $0.02 .
2/ Azacca/El Dorado would work nicely in a APA/AIPA, but realize that El Dorado is much stronger. Blended evenly, El Dorado would dominate. I’d use 3:1 (Azacca: El Dorado) to get a nice balance of character.
Ive heard people say that about Jarrylo. I just figured trying it in a farmhouse would kind of hide any negative effect. While 47hops didnt ask me to use all the hops, I just want to showcase what I can do with the hops. They’ve liked what I did in the past with ADHD 484.
Im a big fan of Azacca but didn’t know anything about El Dorado. Thanks for the heads up.
I just made a Hoppy Blonde with Azacca as the bittering hop and at flameout. It came out really nice. I like Azacca, especially in conjunction with the standout Citrusy hops that we know and love.
FWIW, Total 28 IBUs, 1/4 oz Azacca at 60, 1 oz Amarillo @ 10, 1 oz Mosaic @ 5, then the rest of the Azacca at flameout. 1 oz each Amarallio and Mosaic dry hopped.
Oh, and I’ll second Sterling as a great Pilsner hop (or as a replacement for a Noble hop for any German beer).
I can’t say I’ve ever heard somebody really advocate for jarrylo. Lots of complaints about a plastic-y taste and some complaints about underwhelming flavor.
I still have the jarrylo from last year when the AHA gave them away to renew membership. Some are going into a Belgian pale ale with belma, aramis and triple perle. I’m hoping the gentle fruit flavors will play nicely and the blend will help hide some of the plastic flavor.
Don’t want to hijack the thread, but…I’m over in Hermiston, OR and would love to try to grow some Sterling. It sounds like it grows well for you. Do you think it would do well over here?
I did this for a few beers after I gave up on it as a flavor hop. I still didn’t like it. For my palate it comes across very harsh. FWIW I have come to learn I have much less tolerance for bitterness than most people. So others may have more luck.
My initial impression of the BPA I brewed Friday is definitely the banana and pear people talked about. Not sure a plastic/phenolic flavor sticks out but it is more on the line of banana candy than banana–maybe that is it.