I brewed a Munich Helles last weekend, then going to brew a Maibock and Doppelbock, and repitch the yeast each time.
After that, we’ll see what the weather is like…sucks brewing outdoors in New England with cold and wind. I may just do some ciders and mead for the duration of winter and start beer back up in the spring.
only two brews left before the move. an experimental brew using malt I malted myself. sort of an amber… something. I’ll use hops grown by my homebrew club in that one.
and then the annual Barley Wine to celebrate my son’s birth 4 years ago.
got a couple sour batches to blend and/or bottle as well so I’ll still be plenty busy.
I’ve got some nice winter beers fermenting for Jan/Feb: Dark Belgian with bourbon soaked wood chips and caramelized figs, wee heavey, and English Barleywine. I’m starting an American Brown of some sort this week. I’m drinking a London Porter I bottled last week. Just bottled 3 meads: 2013 Peach & Raspberry Saffron, 2012 Mixed berry, and 2013 Spiced Cyser. We’ll be making a few batches of mead the next few weeks to get all of this years fruit out of the freezer. I also have a gallon of wild fermented apple cider going. It still has airlock activity after about 2 months.
Other than that I plan on making more ESB’s and English Pale Ales because that’s what I most want to drink right now. I.m also going to see if I can get my root cellar cold enough to lager.
This past weekend I made my haus hop bursted West Coast IPA.
This weekend, doing a split 10 gallon batch of Saison which will be blended with 10 or so other Saisons of varying but common recipes and transferred into a bourbon barrel to be aged until spring.
Early the week of Xmas will brew at least one more batch, I’m thinking of either a Dubbel or perhaps even an Berliner of sorts. Got some sour dregs from Pizza Boy Brewery in Enola, PA which I am presently growing up.
i’ve got to taste one of these someday. while its seems somewhat unappealing to me, i am also intrigued. any commercial versions out there worth trying?
This weekend, I will be bottling 5G of BVIP and 6G of BCS Dunkel, as well as brewing a batch of Bock with thoughts from this forum: 50/50 light and dark Munich with just a touch if Carafa II to get me to 18 srm, a little magnum looking at 1.073 ish and a lot of WLP830. Won’t be time for another brew day before End of year. Still trying to figure out how to brew more next year
there is a brewery out of santa cruz california that does a beer with Candy Cap mushrooms. It smells like maple syrup and apparently makes you smell like maple syrup for some time after drinking a few. actually, after googling it there are several breweries doing a candy cap mushroom beer now.
Currently drinking my Autumn Janet’s Brown. Will be kegging my first attempt at a carrot cake ale for the holidays tomorrow as well as whipping up a low gravity starter for my L. Brevis to brew a standard Berliner weisse. After that a Brett trois/lactobacillus primary ferment beer with half getting some Mango puree. Then on to a dortmunder and traditional bock on the repitch.
Also a bit of blending for a perfect Flanders Brown. Currently have 10 gallons of it ready to have a go…
I have a Choco Milk Stout in Sec, a Regal Pale Ale and a 90/- in Primaries. I have a Spiced Winter Ale and a Cali Common on tap. The last brew day of the year will be an Imperial Nut Brown Ale probably the 20th or so.
Munich Dunkel
Imperial Red (NB Megaladon recipe)
Kumquat Wheat Ale (won best of show in local comp. last year)
Something Belgian (maybe a Leffe type blonde)
Time’s tight around the holidays, so I don’t see much opportunity for brewing in the near future. I might have a pocket of time on New Year’s Eve for something quick. I’m thinking a cranberry-lime session mead might be the route I end up taking.
Never seen a commercial version anywhere. The cost would be prohibitive. around here, chanterellle mushrooms go for $10-25 /lb. and matsus much more than that. Consider that you need at least 2 lb./gal. and you can see why a commercial brewery wouldn’t do it.
ETA: Actually, I do know if one…micsager’s Dungeness Brewing is making a wee Shroomy now.