Hmmm…whatever floats your boat I guess. I prefer my coffee in a cup.
But back in the final days of my college years, I found that drinking a little less alcohol in the first place turned out to probably be a much better method. ???
p.s. a spoonful of horseradish every day or two has been shown to detoxify the liver as well. It usually clears your sinuses pretty effectively too! ;D
I adapted my hangover prevention methods after reading that article. It’s mostly prevention though, not a cure. Drink a water for every drink I have. Eat. Take Advil before bed. If that doesn’t fix it, salt, water and caffeine.
LOL! I would have said the same thing in 1975. Just wait till you hit your 61st birthday and then report back.
Meantime, cheers, and have a great 2014!
'Nuf said. Obviously food in Colorado is just crap. Though, now with the legalization of pot that green state will become the darkest red out there. Someone pass the Doritos.
Actually Washington and Colorado will be the skinnier States because everyone knows that marijuana is a gateway drug. So they burn off those extra pounds once they start smoking crack, slamming meth, and huffing jenkum.