what's the warmest you've fermented WLP-940 (Modelo lager) successfully?

Formerly strictly an ale-yeast guy, last winter was the the first time I tried fermenting with lager yeasts (no temperature control, just a cold corner of the basement), and I had some nice successes with Diamond lager, 34/70, and S-189.

One of the things I like about all 3 of those yeasts, is that when I re-use / re-pitch a slurry, I can keep it going for several months as springtime temperatures get warmer here (Atlanta).  I think I’ve taken each of those north of 60 degrees without noticing any serious problems.  Probably got to 63F on my lagers before switching over to ale yeasts for the remainder of the year.

Now that CellarScience Baja is available [presumably the Modelo 940 equivalent] as an inexpensive dry yeast, I thought I might play with that.  Can it ferment decently at 62F (or higher), or should I only use it when I can expect <=59F?

What’s the warmest you’ve fermented 940 and had it still be excellent?

I did see a Brulosophy post about trying WLP940 at 66F, and while inferior to the properly temped control, they did think it was still a decent/enjoyable beer.  Other than that, I never see it mentioned among those lager yeasts that can be nudged warmer…

good data points on the temps. thanks.

I haven’t ever used wlp940 though.