I plan on trying to perfect a German Pils this summer and I like to know what yeasts are your favorites. I’ve used WY 2124 many times and I like it, but I’m wondering if there are some others that I need to try.
So, is WLP838 the same as WY 2308 Munich Lager? I’ve used WY 2308 before, but not in a German Pils. Like Jon, I like my German Pils to have a crisp finish.
This is the page I usually use, and it says that WY2308 = WLP833. I’ve used 833 a lot including a Dortmunder, but no experience with it or 2308 in a Pils. I hear “super malty” a lot when people talk about that strain, so not sure if it would be exactly what you’re looking for.
My recent experience with 838 has made pretty crisp tasting beers. Jeff would you agree it’s a good choice for pilsner or no?
That Mr. Malty list does say 838 is the same as 2308, so…I don’t know, maybe it’s not what you’re after. But it seemed pretty crisp to me the last times I’ve used it.
Off topic: I noticed that list has Denny’s Favorite 50 listed as Wy2450 not 1450.
I think pH trumps yeast strain choice in terms of creating a “crisp” beer. Mash low 5.2. That’s what I do. Honestly, I was quite pleased with dry 3470 in my last pils.
That’s been my experience with German lagers as well. I use WLP833 for everything (just easier), but I’ve made my Marzen too crisp by mashing a little too low and lowering the pH to 5.2 or below (batches that I liked most were closer to 5.3). If I can accidentally make a Marzen recipe too dry and too crisp with the “maltiest” of the German lager strains, then you can probably do it on purpose with your Pils
835 seems in between 830 and 833 as far the dry finish goes. I have never used it for a Pils. I have a split batch of Pils, 830 and 833, the 833 leaves it too malty. You have to try it in a Pils to find out.
Not german, but both danish 2042 and canadian 2272 rocked and made a nice dry lagers as well. I also think using 10% flaked wheat and some acid malt kicks things up in the dry/crisp department. All seems to work together. Now if I can dial in the perfect late hopping for NGP. Saaz ain’t working for me. Neither is hallertau, too floral. Thinking maybe tettnanger next time.
Must be an old list…that was the original number. BTW, be skeptical of the equivalents listed on there. Some of them are dead on, some of them have been shown to be way off.