I was thinking 85% mild malt, 13% crystal 60 and 2% chocolate malt.
On Sat. I’m heading over to Redmond OR where a couple breweries collaborated on a version if my American mild recipe. I’ll be curious to see what they did.
I switched to Fawcett and Simpsons crystal and roasts… made ALL the difference in mine. Really distinct differences especially the Simpsons Medium and Dark crystal.
Not sure I will every use any Briess Crystal ever again. Of course I will - but definitely not for any English or Scottish stule.
Denny did Juniper take a run at that? I was talking to Curt awhile back and he was working on something like this.
Juniper and Wild Ride both.
This one needs to be English Mild.
Mine is
82% Maris Otter
12% Fawcett Crystal I
6% Chocolate Malt
I like a tiny bit of the roast flavor from the chocolate, as the English milds I’ve tried have had it.
When I have used all Mild Malt (breiss ashburne) I found it too sweet almost.
My general grain bill for milds now is
55-60% Maris Otter
20-25% Mild Malt (briess ashburne)
5% Wheat/Flaked Barley
15% specialty malts… crystal/pale chocolate/brown/victory/chocolate/coffee kiln (depending on goal)
The first 85% I tend to keep pretty consistent and then play around with the 15% specialty grains depending if I want something that is roastier or something that is sweeter, etc.
I really like fawcett pale chocolate and brown malt in my milds though.
- I tend toward dark mild (18-20 SRM) and some roast/chocolate/nut type flavors.
EKG to about 15-20 IBU’s
1469 yeast (although 002/1968 and 1318 have also given me good beers).
i have read that its best to go all Mild malt rather than using Maris Otter or standard 2 row. Any reason not too?
I would grab a British maltster’s Mild malt, seems like you could find Muntons Mild Ale malt if you tried.
My only reason is personal preference… with my own limited anecdotal evidence. Did one with the entire 80% base portion ashburne mild. I did not personally like it quite as much, although a homebrew trading friend said it was his favorite of any of my milds he had tried.
I scaled it back to 50/50 on the base portion with MO. And eventually more of 1/3 to 2/3 Mild/MO blend.
Like I said, I base it on nothing more than personal preference and probably somewhat on simply going with what has worked pretty consistently for me in competitions. To be honest, I should probably revisit larger portions of mild malt again.
**This too - the only mild malt I have found and had access to was the Breiss Ashburne - could be much better options out there…
I have used Munton’s Mild Ale malt from AiH, makes a good mild.
Pauls Mild is another good one.
This is a style that i have not tried commercially, but I am really interested in brewing. What kind of mash temps are you guys using? I would assume you’d want to target a high mash temp, but I’ve also heard that most UK breweries use lower mash temps. Also, is anyone using adjuncts like torrified wheat and/or sugar like you might use in a Bitter?
I am generally in the 154-158 range on mash temps.
I have used Flaked Oats and Flaked Barley as far as trying to get a bit more mouthfeel into the beer.
I don’t use sugar as I don’t want it to get thin in any way.
162F, no sugar. I use torrefied and like oats, too, for mouthfeel.