Wheat Bran...

Looking at using some wheat bran in a saison, as suddenly I cannot find any raw wheat anywhere (without paying Whole Foods Prices). Looks like it will provide some additional lautering relief.

Two questions…

1 ) I understand there is SOME sugar contribution and enzymes to aid in conversion. Should I bother calculating the points? Again a saison - targeting about 1.054.

2 ) Flavor? I like the flavors that raw wheat add after a cereal mash, but subbing in flaked wheat won’t bring the same wheatiness (IMO). Will wheat bran bring that up? I have no idea how it tastes yet - plan to make a tea, but thought I would ask.

I have never brewed with it but because its mainly dietary fiber, protein, and oils I doubt the sugar contribution is significant. I know it has a low glycemic index. My guess it will contribute kind of a grainy wheat flavor as opposed to a sweet wheat flavor but when you make your tea you’ll obviously know more. Maybe some nuttiness? If you have more than you need store the rest in the freezer. Its oil content makes it prone to rancidity.