I just got some D-180 and D-45 Candi Syrup and was planning on making a Belgian Ale and posssibly adding both. I have never used this stuff and was wondering when it should be added to the boil. I have used the hard sugar and just added it at the beginning of the boil, but on the web site I see it added at flame out. I am assuming that adding it at flame out will retain much of the flavor and I would like that, but does it matter if I add it at 10 min., 5 min., or 0 min.?
I add candi syrup to the boil with 20min left. I don’t remember why I initially chose 20min but I get the flavors I want so I have not changed the time.
I also usually put mine in around 15-20 minutes left on the boil. But I have added it at flame out (when I forgot to add it in the boil ) and didn’t really notice a difference.
I add it after the hot break has subsided but before the 60 minute hops, if there is one. I scoop out a quart or so of hot wort into a separate pot, stir in the sugars to dissolve, and then add back in. Helps cut down the risk of it scorching in the bottom of the kettle.
My rule of thumb is always - if I’m hoping to get aroma and flavor contributions, in late she goes - 10 minutes or so of boil time. If not, chunk it in early.
I’ve tried 60, 40, 20, 0 and at high krausen. I agree with denny, I think I get more flavor when I add it somewhere between 60 and 40. My second favorite choice would be after high krausen, but it’s a pain in the butt to add then. Jeff, what’s your secret?
The air around your boil kettle is already super saturated with patchouli oil so there’s no where to go for all the stuff in the kettle. It just stays in solution. ;D
What secret? After the wort is fermenting for a couple days, pour the sugar into the pail or carboy. What is so difficult about that? Not pragmatic enough I guess…
No, no worries, just pour it in. I figure the pouch contains a food product. The syrup I used recently wasn’t so viscous that much at all stayed in the pouch. You could mix it if you want, but I think the yeast will find it at high kreusen even if it sinks to the bottom.