Where to buy tasting glasses like this?

Sorry uthristy, but I adore the glass in the picture you posted, and I’m now trying to collect a set like it.

This is uthristy’s original picture I re-copied and pasted. It’s from this thread:


amazing what you can find on google…


Thanks EHall foe the info.  I know Lucifer is the beer brand, but what is that type of glass called…Seems like it may be like a stemless snifter?

As it is a “branded” glass you may not be able to get a hold of the exact shaped glass as a plain glass if that is what you are looking for.  Many breweries have (especially Belgian) specific glassware created for their beers.  Even if you could identify the actual manufacturer of the glasses it is unlikely they would sell you plain glasses.  Not economically anyways…  :o

I have some glasses that I love that are similar.  They are like wine glasses without a stem.  They just have the flat base and the bowl of the glass right on top.  I got them at TJ Maxx.  They work great for many styles of beer.  As far as a “tasting” glass they are rather large.  They hold about 12 fl oz…  The glass in the picture you posted appears to hold 25 cl (~8.5 fl. oz.) at the mark, so it would appear it also will hold at least 12 fl.oz total if not more.  I think of tasting glasses as 4-6 oz.

thanks enso.

I do the occasional visit to the clearance section of Ross, TJ Maxx, Marshall’s, and similar stores to find the occasional “deal” on beer glasses.  I’ve found great sniffers and beer glasses that way.  Unfortunately quanity and styles vary.  But the price is right (especially as they tend to get broken periodically)–there are some in our household who tend to be clumsy (usually not me). ::slight_smile:

Closest I could find…


These ones from Stone came to mind.
They are 9oz. Here’s a link to the store.  http://stonecompanystore.com/store/product/612/DBA-Specialty-Glass/

Wow, weird.  Check out what I found at the thrift store yesterday.

Here is a darker shot along with the other glass I described above.

Okay, so it ain’t exactly the same glass but I dig these.  I got four for .50 each.  I love the thrift store.  I have WAY too many glasses.  Though I break many too, so…