Where to get Blichman Brew stand......

Friend of mine wants a three tier gravity system. Unfortunately he has two left hands and has been trying to talk me into welding up a setup for him…time is tight though. So is the space in his garage so now I’m trying to talk him into getting a brew stand.

Unfortunately he’s balking at the cost…Blichman controls it’s prices rather tightly. Does anyone know if/where there are deals on these, and whether there is any used ones out there?



Used ones…dunno.  Deals…not that I know of.

I don’t think you’ll get any discounts on their equipment, as you stated, they control their prices very well. The only other option is if you can get lucky and find someone selling their Blichmann equipment used on ebay but good luck trying to find those deals.

NB doesn’t even include Blichman stuff when they put on a 10% discount on everything else, so I am figuring Blichmann has some  kind of agreement about this.

Part of the terms that Blichmann has with it’s retailers is an MSRP range, usually between 25 and 35%, and it has to be followed.

After talking to some people that deal with metal stock, I was told that their center support is a commercially available piece. The legs to the stand are easy to make through welding or if you have a friend with a metal shop that can bend them up. It’s more work to do, but could be alot cheaper, though I don’t know I just bought it from be.

Everyone doesn’t get to drive a Cadillac. Does the guy actually brew?

Yeah, he brews. He’s not passionate, but he does like to put beers together and has a one tap keggerator in the basement.

He could probably DYI with wood 2 x4’s for 10% of the cost.

i used to use pallets stacked up

I had heard the same thing.  A homebrew shop owner told me that it was available and used for some sort of office furniture, I think cubicles.  I contacted John Blichmann and asked him about it and he said it is not the same thing and it is not commercially available.

That material was used to build test stands and fixtures in the engineering testing lab where I used to work.  The slotted tracks and fasteners that go in those are attractive if you need to move the test piece or the intruments for different set ups or measurements.  The AL upright in the Blichmann is about as big as any section I have seen of that stuff.  I do not know where the was purchased from where I worked.

I noticed this tree of an IV pole at work tonight and thought of you Oscar. It is fully adjustable and by unlocking the white tabs and sliding up and down the handles, the hangars move up and down accordingly via a pulley system. Those bottles hold 4L each. Perhaps this could be modified…

However for the price the Blichmann is gonna be a better option. Maybe when you can get the time you can fab something up for your friend. :slight_smile:

I think the center support is a piece from 80/20 inc. It’s some pretty cool stuff. I used to use it a bunch when I was working at an engineering shop in college. You could easily design a stand using only stuff from their catalog. I seem to remember it being kind of pricey, though. Here is their site: http://www.8020.net/