Whey in Beer

I’ve got the grains roasted and I plan on making something in the neighborhood of a brown ale tomorrow.

I’ve just got through making a batch of cheddar cheese ;D

I’m wondering and want your input on what you think about this…

I’ve got about a gallon of whey left over from the cheese making. Pressure cook the whey for about an hour @ 15psi to kill any bacteria and use it as part of the mash water or just top off in the fermenter.

Tons of lactic acid and nutrients to feed the yeast.

What do you think???

It’s not funny to type “no way (whey?)” like it is to say it. ;D

I was wondering if it would add mouth feel. Going down the first time, not coming up the second time ;D

Woah! Whey? Why? Wild… :smiley:

There are a few things that will left in the whey to think about.

Protein -  Probably not head forming protein.  You might want to do a protein rest, maybe not.

Fat - how much depends on original percentage of the milk and if it was homogenized or not.  May affect head retention, may feed the yeast.

Lactose - will add a little sweetness and body to the finished beer.

I haven’t tested it and can’t give you specific advice other than to give it a try and see what happens.  :slight_smile:

The body and sweetness from the lactose is what I was thinking about.

The fat is the biggest concern.

I think I will chicken out this time because I’m low and will hold off until I get my kegs filled back up and can afford a dumper ;D

I was just going to say, it sounds like a cool experiment, but I’d only do it if you can afford to dump the batch if it turns out horrible.

I suspect tubercle can figure out something to do with a batch would otherwise be a dumper.  :wink:

I’m beginning to suspect that there’s an imposter posing as Tubercle.  Tubercle didn’t refer to himself in the third person.  :wink:

How bout expirimenting with a 1gal batch?