I’m going to brew tomorrow.
It’s a fairly simple recipe.
92% pale ale malt
8% Golden Naked Oats
og 1.040
BRY-97 yeast
30 ibus +/-
I’m planning on bittering with Pilgrim hops because I have a couple ounces and never used them before.
As far the late additions I was thinking of Mt.Hood and/or Northern Brewer.
I’m thinking these hops aren’t as aggressive as some of the others and would result in a nice summer beer. I’m not really looking for a lot of fruity or piney
I don’t really have a style in mind maybe something like a cream ale? I know it has a lot to do with personal preferences, but as I pretty much suck at making my own recipes I thought I’d ask for some opinions.
The other hops I have are:
I think Mt. Hood would be a good late addition. I don’t know how they would pair with the pilgrims because I have never used them. I recently did a lite lager using only Mt. Hoods and it was very crisp and refreshing.
For that beer I would use:
Goldings or Fuggles if you want a traditional type British beer.
Bramling Cross if you want earthy and black current.
Mt. Hood for a nice “noble-ish” aroma.
I vote Mt. hood, Glacier, or Goldings. Out of those three, I would probably use Mt. Hood as it has a nice floral slightly spicy aroma/flavor. Sounds like you are looking for a clean ale and this would give you what you want.
That’s my thought exactly.
Looking through my brew log I found a recipe for a Jeffery Hudson Bitter clone that I brewed a few times that uses Mt. Hood as aroma and dry hop.
I cut back the Golden Naked oats to half a pound , and I stopped by the store and picked up packets of Windsor and Nottingham. Read somewhere on here that pitching these together works well so I’m going to give it a try.
The last beer I did was an IPA using cascade and amarillo so I need something different.
Got the boil going now.
Kegged the beer this morning, and I’m having a slightly flat sample with my lunch.
I’m pretty happy with how it turned out.
I could drink a lot of this. ;D