White House Home Brew

Just saw the President drink the White House Honey Ale on NBC Pre Superbowl spot.  First  brew in the office since Washington.

Washington was dead before the White House was built, so he didn’t brew any beer at the White House.

I did catch the tail end of the segment though. Did they discuss the brew process at all? The President endorsing Homebrew prior to the Super Bowl is pretty cool exposure for the hobby… Well maybe. Fox will probably find a way to say he screwed it up lol.

With honey from the White House bee hives…

IMO, only good things can come from the White House having a Head Brewer. :slight_smile:

Good correction. I didn’t mean to call you out, but I’m a history geek and couldnt let it go. Sorry. They replicate some of the beers of the time of the Founding in a pub in historic Philadelphia. Pretty cool.

right! it was cool. I was telling my wife, how cool would it be to work in the white house and decide you want to make your beer there. I’d have to step it up and increase the batch size for sure!

Sounds like Yard’s Ales of the Revolution at The City Tavern. Cool stuff.

Yep. That was it.

I also caught that segment at the end, noticed two carboys on tables fermenting away!  Also noticed no brew haulers for safety and the carboys werent covered to protect from light!

its the white house…long wave length low intensity white light  ::slight_smile:

Baby steps…

Here is a press release from while back. Video shows the head chef at the White House and he gives an ok overview of the process. It looks like the fermenting beer is stored in a basement pantry. I’m guessing they brought them out for the interview.


Fun fact - Obama payed for the initial kit out of pocket.

That didn’t take long…well played.

Ok what am I missing about the pumpkin peach pun?  I have heard it now twice and got the email for the recipe from NB,  saw it on a local brewery’s insta some one saying it,  what am I missing

I think it was part of the Budweiser commercial.

Must of missed it, my 2 year old wasn’t in the greatest mood yesterday

Welp alittle searching with your help and yep sure was here it it

Yup, I posted this is the wrong area. Reposting now.

I like to godaddy version of Budweiser lost dog…https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qI9wq2ZDoKM

I’ve been wondering what my next brew will be. I think I may have found it.

A related historic note.  Election campaigning for the founding fathers mostly occurred over a pint or two at the local tavern–better than the endless rounds of negative TV spots slashing the opposition that we have now.

And did you hear that the conservative political organization for the Koch Brothers of Wisconsin has pledged to spend $889 MILLION for the 2016 Presidential Campaign.

That would buy a lot of pints!!!