Presidential Beer

I just came across this Daily Mail article.

US President Barack Obama has apparently been homebrewing at the White House for the better part of this year, even using honey from the White House garden beehives!

Yup, although I think it’s safe to assume that it’s one of the White House chefs doing the brewing as I imagine the President might be a tad bit too busy to bust out the mash paddle himself! :slight_smile:

I think the first we heard of this was back around the Super Bowl.

Now, no matter what sort of political views you and I and all the rest of the stooges hold, it’s pretty damn cool that there’s homebrew happening in the White House.

I’ll second that notion.

Very cool indeed.  :slight_smile:

Agreed.  I remember back during the superbowl, AHA said they were gonna try and get the recipe.  Anyone know if that happened?

Let’s hope it’s somewhat of a lower alcohol beer.  “Hey, anyone know what this big red button does?”  :P

I recently heard that the White House brewer wants to perfect the recipe before releasing it.

The original beer they made used honey.  My sister knows the guy who keeps the bees at the White House.  He works there and normally keeps bees as a hobby, so he asked if he could keep some on the White House grounds.  They were OK with it as long as they got use of the honey.  Apparently, it is a popular gift to visiting dignitaries.  I believe she told me that it was one of the White House chefs who makes the beer.

I think they should have another Beer Summit, but this time bring down Charlie P. and the AHA crew so that everyone could swap their homebrew.

[u]White House Beehive[/u]

I read about this the other day. According to the article, It’s Obama who went out and bought the equipment and started brewing. (maybe subsequent batches are being made by the cook?) Also according to the article, he is the first presidential homebrewer.

I’d like to see that article if you can find it.  It certainly contradicts what I’ve heard.  This article makes it sound like it’s the chefs who are brewing.  And I certainly hope he has more important things to do than buying equipment and brewing beer.

What I seem to recall is that the President paid for the equipment out of pocket, but I don’t think he gets to go shopping anymore!

Got to wonder who got the order with a mailing address of “1600 Pennsylvania Ave”  and what they thought. :slight_smile:

When the Alabama legislator heard the HB bill one rep said that only low class people homebrew.  I wish our sponsor would have had this anecdote: the President and hero/Medal of Honor winner are the type of people who enjoy HOMEBREW.

I would love to see the setup and a recipe detail.

I wonder if they made a starter.  :slight_smile:

Very cool stuff!

Forget the Democrat vs. Republican battles in Washington… Our nation has moved on to Batch Spargers vs. Fly Spargers!

And what could possibly be more important than a new boilermaker pot, and spending an afternoon playing with it?