White Labs Question

I got a vial of wlp060 and a vial of wlp004 while I was at the shop 2 days ago.  Any ideas why the wlp060(the only vial he had) had dark red specs in the compacted yeast?  The use by date was September 15 2016, I made a 2 gal AG batch to split between the 2 strains.  Both are going strong and seem happy.  But I was worried that the “blended” yeast has a dead strain in it.  It smells clean and fruity, but wondered if anyone else has experienced a “peppered” yeast cake in the vials before

It sure sounds like that is the case, but I wouldn’t worry about it, if it took off well.  Repitching would cause me concern, however, as the blend might be altered in terms of ratios…

That’s always been my concern with using the yeast blends that White Labs and Wyeast put out. When making a starter one or the other could end up dominating and you wouldn’t get the effect that you want from the blend.

I have never heard or seen dark red specs in any WL vial or tube before.  Interesting. I wonder if it is just part of the growth medium in there?

Yeah, idk.  I brewed with it and it is going really strong, so fingers crossed

Sounds like you are good to go. I just always assumed the vial/pouch contents are sterile anyways.

This is what I was talking about, its showed up in my “ranched” yeast

If you are thinking those are hops, they are not…

Never seen anything like that but it wouldn’t surprise me to find out that vial was contaminated at WL before distribution.

Might be worth emailing WL for their thoughts.

Little late to the party on this but mine did the same thing initially.  I left it in the fridge for a week and all the dark flecks went away.  I’ve made six other vials from the same initial harvest and none of them had this, just the first harvest.