Whole leaf hops

This weekend I’m going to try using whole leaf hops for the first time.  I have a bazooka screen in my boil kettle, do I need to worry about the screen getting clogged?  Should I use a hop bag?

i never had a problem with whole and my bazooka - used that system for almost 6 years.

Thanks, I figured that I would be OK, but you never know.

If you are worried about it and/or want an easier clean-up, clip a paint strainer bag to rim of the kettle.

Do you clip the bag closed and hang it from the side during the boil?

I personally don’t use a paint strainer bag until later. I put the sanitized strainer over my fermentation bucket and dump the cooled wort from the kettle in and pull up the strainer. It can take a few minutes but seems to work well for me.

I clip the one side so I can add more throughout the boil.  If it’s a heavily hopped brew I will clip it shut and sometimes use 2 bags.

Hop bags are ok, but you can lose some bitterness.  I use a sanitized mesh strainer when transferring to the fermenter.

So I increase the hop amount by 10% to compensate.