Win free yeast and swag!

Win a Wyeast and Experimental Brewing Swag Bag!

For Q3, Denny and Drew have chosen a bunch of yeast strains to take advantage of the summer heat to make some damn fine beer! Here are the Q3 strains (releasing to homebrew shop in July 2017!)

This well-balanced strain from northern Belgium will produce moderate levels of both fruity esters and spicy phenols while finishing dry with a hint of malt. Flanders Golden Ale is a robust and versatile strain that performs nicely in a broad range of Belgian styles.


A unique blend of Belgian Saccharomyces and Brettanomyces for emulating Trappist style beer from the Florenville region in Belgium. Phenolics, mild fruitiness, and complex spicy notes develop with increased fermentation temperatures. This blend will produce subdued but classic Brett character.


This unique Belgian ale yeast is a high acid producer with balanced ester and phenol production allowing a good expression of malt profile, especially the strong flavors of darker malts and sugars. Spicy, tart, and dry on the palate with a very complex finish.

Now the question is - what would you make with these strains? Winners get to brew them!
The High Level:

Pick a yeast, generate your recipe, give it an awesome name and email by July 31st!. Denny, Drew and folks from Wyeast will evaluate the entries for quality, fun and expression of the best of Wyeast’s strains characters!
The Rules:

Send entries to
    Entries must be received by 11:59PM on July 31st 2017
    One entry per person
    Winners of each yeast will be picked Drew, Denny and representives from Wyeast.
    Three (3) winners will be chosen, one per yeast strain, and will receive swag and prizes from Experimental Brewing & Wyeast
    Winners agree to let Wyeast use, distribute and publish the recipes
    Judging is completely subjective and winners will be chosen by the judges opinions of the entries quality and expression of the fun and interest of brewing. (aka it looks good to the judges!)

One entry per yeast or per person?

One per person…I’ll clarify that on the website.

That was my bad, I just took a second look at the original post and saw the one entry per person stipulation.


That was my bad, I just took a second look at the original post and saw the one entry per person stipulation.

If you’re not cheating, you’re not trying  :slight_smile:

Whatcho talkin’ bout Willis?  :o