Wiring a receptacle to a switch.

Howdy all! It’s been a while since I posted here, but I do check up regularly. I’ve been busy with the baby and the house, so hopefully I’ll be able to get back to brewing soon.

Here’s my latest project:
I’m going to install a garbage disposal soon and I need to make sure I have the wiring right before I do it. I plan on putting a receptacle under the sink and controlling it with a wall switch. Below is a diagram for what I want to do. The plan is to connect the black source wire (right box) to the top screw on the switch (middle box), connect the black wire from the receptacle (left box) to the bottom screw on the switch, and connect the white wire from the source to the white wire from the receptacle. Does this all sound right.

BTW, my source is coming from a junction box that also run the other way to my vent-hood above the range. I don’t know if that will matter, but I figure I’d throw it out there.

That’ll work.  You could also eliminate the receptacle and just wire directly to the disposal  (that’s what I would do, but I’m just some interwebs guy)

The circuit looks fine.

Just a couple of other things to consider:

  1. Make sure to ground it properly (I know you were going to but …)
  2. Use a GFCI outlet.  You’re wiring under a water source.


i would recommend you tet a lighting whip and connect the switch into your junction box and then run the lighting whip from the switch to the disposal.

You’ll want to use the recepticle,  and be sure to use a GFI.

Awesome, thanks guys. I already had bought a GCFI outlet just in case. Glad to hear I learned a little bit from the people that tried to teach me about electricity!