I made a wheat beer today and I’m gonna ferment it with WLP001. I’m considering putting it in the water bath with a california common I’ve got working at about 58 degrees. Not sure why, just thinking about it. Would this be good? Being a wheat, I’m looking for something fairly crisp and summery.
160F is the coldest recommended by WYeast for 1056, the near equivalent, and White Labs suggests a much higher minimum temperature. Since you don’t know why you are considering it (ultra clean … try Denny’s favorite, a German Ale or better yet, a Kolsch yeast), I wouldn’t risk a batch of beer at that fermentation temp with that yeast.
Yeah, I wouldn’t recommend 160 degrees fermentation temp for any beer.
You can ferment wlp001 at close to lager temps. I regularly ferment it at 58 and raise the next near the end. Just be sure to pitch a little extra yeast.
I have seen it work at 54 degrees. A lot of people say that the WY1007 German Ale is the cleanest strain they have ever tasted. I’m not sure I agree with that totally. chico is super clean when fermented cold. And I have found the WY1007 can be a bit temperamental if it is not handled right.
Agreed. I do a Scottish -70 fermented with Chico at 58 degrees and its clean as all get out. As major pointed out earlier, just pitch a little extra than normal(my Scottish 70 is 1.038 OG and generally Id make a very small starter(1L) for it just to get the yeast going, but since I ferment at 58 with 001 I make a 1.5L starter)
A new vial pitched at 58F may be very sluggish, which overall is bad for the beer. However, if you use an active starter it should work fine. Jamil claims that Sierra Nevada brews with this strain at the temperatures you describe with great success. It may have a slight sulfur note to it though.
I have never gotten sulphur off chico. I definitely have gotten sulphur of WY1007. Totally agree that if you are not making a starter you are better orr starting any strain off on teh warm end, but I’m pretty sure gmac is smarter than to pull a stunt like that. ;D
I went a bit warmer. I pitched a 1.5 l starter at 62f. Bubbling away merrily.
I’ve got 7 beer going at 5 different temps right now.
A CAP at 50, a steam at 58, this wheat at 62, British pales at 68 and a Saison at 75. This is getting complicated.
I would say that the WY-1007 is the cleanest ALE strain that I have used. Just saying. Really like the clean flavors from WLP 830 and 833. The Mexican Lager strain is said to be even cleaner tasting.
+1 Recently did an Oktoberfest (mock ?) with 1007 fermented at 60F and it turned out so clean, I’d be perfectly comfortable entering it in a comp as a true Oktoberfest. After that, I pitched an RIS onto that same yeast cake, fermented at 55F, and it took it from 1.082 all the way down to 1.017 - that’s about 80%. 1007 is a clean beast
For the 2008 NHC in Cincinnati the conference beer was an Imperial Cream Ale. (The local craft pros created the recipe, donated everything, and brewed it for us.) It was fermented with 001 at 56°. I don’t remember the exact fermentation time, but Rick DeBar, the brewer who actually made the beer, said fermentation took about the same as any other 1.075 beer he’d ever done. The beer was very well received at the conference.
Yeah, I meant ale strain (obviously). I’m just sayin’, wlp001 may be almost as clean, if not as clean, and IME is much less temperamental. Someone mentioned sulphur: I’ve found WY1007 can throw a good bit if not handled properly. And if fermented too warm it can be kinda funky and not clean at all. No arguments that if fermented in the mid 50s it can be extremely clean.
I think I could say that WLP001 is THE cleanest ale yeast available today. The key to this yeast is pitching cool 58-62F, then controlling the ferm temp by keeping less than 68F. YMMV.
I was thinking about this some more and I think either yeast can be used for a super clean almost “lager-like” strain and both work well at cold temps but that the difference is WY1007 will accentuate the malt better and WLP001/W1056 accentuated hops better. Also, along that note, the dry version US-05 is not as clean as the liquid version and has a more harsh profile that can be hidden quite well by American hoppy ales or stouts and the like but does not sub as well for alts and mock lagers even at cold temps.