WLP029 Kolsch Yeast-no activity

Hey guys just wanted everyone’s advice on this situation. I brewed two, 1 Gallon batches on Friday, one a Simcoe Pale Ale with an OG of 1.052 and a Brown Ale with OG of 1.049. I cooled both down to around 56F and pitched half a vial each of WLP029 Kolsch Yeast. It the past I have not had problems pitching 1/2 vial of WLP yeasts into 1 Gallon batches, I always hit my FG. It has been 48 hours since I pitched the yeast and there is zero activity. No airlock activity and no krausen in either. I moved both to a warmer area to warm them into the low 60’s in hopes of getting some results. I plan on testing tomorrow to see if the OG has moved at all and if its just quietly fermenting. How much longer should I wait before pitching more yeast if no activity occurs?

56° is very low for that strain. Whitelabs even calls out that it doesn’t do well below 62°.


On this thread and other places on the web I found that this yeast can actually do well in the mid to high 50s. I do agree however that it probably was too cold to start this amount of yeast.

I think you could get that strain to ferment that cool, but it would require a fairly large pitch.  You most likely under pitched at that temp.  Allowing it to warm up  was a smart idea and you should see fermentation happening soon providing you aerated properly.

I brewed with this strain in July at 65f and saw no air lock activity, however, after 2 weeks my FG was 1.010 with a very slight sign of a krausen was left over. I use brew pales.

WLP029 can be a slow starter even when pitching at recommended temps. Bring up the temp and wait a while and see if you get any activity. Maybe give it till tomorrow.

True, but you will also see Keith (major) noting that it is very slow at those low temps. He’s a bit of a Kolsch expert, so I hold his advice in high regards.

yep IME doesn’t do well below 60F…unless you start it out mid 60’s and slowly lower it.

Thanks for all the advice and I am back with an update. After giving these two beers time to warm up and see of the yeast was doing its job I tested the OG… still the same even with 24hr warm up. Disappointed but luckily had another vial and pitched at the warmed up temp hopefully they will kickoff and we will see what happens. In good news anyway just kegged my Vanilla Amber Ale it was definitely an interesting beer(in a good way). Cheers!

I usually start mine off at 58 but with a decent size starter. I realize the OG poster said they just pitched it into 1 gallon of wort but sometimes those vials are still less healthy than you expect. The main problem with WLP029 is ythat is will tend to stall if not ramped upto at least 64 degrees near the end of fermentation. I don’t have any problems getting the yeast to start if a healthy pitch of yeast is used.

I’m going to do a 1qt starter of wlp029 pitched at high krausen on my alt in another week. I will do 58F to around 60%ADT and then bring it up to about 65-67f to finish out.

Ken, have you tried the Pure Pitch for 029?  I just picked up a pouch for use in a Gose.

Well now that I pitched some more yeast (WLP029) and it took right off and is bubbling away. I’m assuming the first vial was dead yeast because I checked the date… and it was long past its prime. Otherwise I love this yeast and look forward to tasting the batches. Prost!

What I have is pure pitch. Feeling for wlp029 and much cooler temps, I treat as l would a lager and do starter.