
I’m just curious how many have tried this yeast. I’ve been using it for over a year now, and cant say enough good things about it. its a beast that works very fast, its super clean, has high alcohol tolerance, and attenuates over 85%. I love it for my APA and IPA.

have you used wlp090
  • yes and i love it
  • no
  • yes and not sold on it
0 voters

+1 to all of the above.  Also clears quickly and seems to give me a better mouthfeel than Chico.

Haven’t used it, been sticking with Wyeast since their packaging works a bit better for mail order.

Starting to make the 1.5 hour trek to the closest shop though, so it’s on my shortlist to try.

Used it a twice. First time because I needed beer ready in six days. It worked. Second time just because.

I don’t have a convenient LHBS, so liquid yeast has to be worth the hassle for me to want to try it. US-05 works just fine for me, so I haven’t really played around with other neutral ale yeasts. There is also a local brewpub that uses it as their house strain and they definitely have some fermentation off-flavors in their beers.

I’ve heard good things about this yeast, but I have to admit I’m a bit gunshy about pulling the trigger on a vial.

Eric, ask your local for a pitch. Many are willing.

I’ve used it on 5 american style ales so far, most hop forward, one malt forward, and not sure about any of them. It’s fast and clean, but I’m not sold. It seems to leave behind a one dimensional, somewhat flat flavored beer. I don’t mind waiting for beer with more complexity - Wyeast 1450 for example.
That said, I’ll use it again, I’m sure, especially with SMaSH ales.

Eric- think i recall us talking about this on another post one time…was it diacetyl that you said you taste in their beer?  FWIW, I can say that if I picked up on anything negative from 090. i’d not be using it any longer since there are so many good options…including US-05.

Perhaps there’s something in their process causing the issues you mention, or even yeast mutation over time-just a WAG.

Yeah, I remember that thread now.  I never had a hint of diacetyl from 090, or heard of it from other brewers. I did the usual for my American beers - pitch @ 62, ferment at 64, ramp near the end.  I wonder if they could be a little eager to get beer on line and rush things a bit.  +1 to Steve - getting a pitch from them would be a good test. It’s very clean.

Yes getting a pitch from them would be good first step. However if there has been some mutation and therefore somewhat a unique house strain, then he might experience som similar results as their products. I’d also consider just running test on fresh vial for best analysis.

I agree. But I’m betting he makes a clean beer with theirs. Sounds more like they’re rushing their process. Maybe not.

Agreed. Their beers taste “homebrewey”. There’s some diacetyl, but they also have green beer/underattenuation flavors.

Tangent - I hate to use the term “homebrew flavor” nowadays, because I typically get that flavor more from brewpubs that rush their beer.

Yeah, I totally agree. Around here the majority range fairly good to excellent, but there’s a brewpub or two that seem to have that same issue. Kind of a 180 to spin the old ‘homebrew flavor’ the other direction.  :wink:

Any idea how high?

White Labs says ‘High’.  I would bet every bit as high as 1056/001/05.  And even those alcohol numbers aren’t hard and fast. Use plenty of fresh and they often exceed the numbers. By the way, how are you handling the new found fame of getting your face in Zymurgy ? I hear the paparazzi can be a real b!#^h.  :smiley:

EDIT -  Most American barleywines are made with the 1056 family. Wouldn’t hesitate to use it for that, RIS, etc.

White Labs says ‘High’.  I would bet every bit as high as 1056/001/05.  And even those alcohol numbers aren’t hard and fast. Use plenty of fresh and they often exceed the numbers. By the way, how are you handling the new found fame of getting your face in Zymurgy ? I hear the paparazzi can be a real b!#^h.  :smiley:


This is actually the second time for me in Zymurgy (Jan/Feb 2014, Sept. 2014 in BYO) and surprisingly the paparazzi don’t seem all that gung-ho on following my every move.