When I first bought the White Labs tube I was surprised at how little yeast there was. Thus, I plan on making a lower OG starter based on my assumption; there is a much smaller cell count in WLP644 (correct me if I’m wrong). I realize the significance of not stressing out yeast by making too high or low of an OG. Would it make sense to start with a 1.5L starter at 1.025? And should I step it up, similar to a lager?
You are right, they put WAY less yeast in those vials. I have heard that it is because they assume you are going to use Brett in a secondary fermentation.
I’m no expert - I have brewed one 100% Brett batch with this yeast. It turned out OK. I read that under-pitching this will stress the yeast which will get it to produce its unique flavor esters. So I wouldn’t go too big. Also I learned that when you the starter is done, don’t put it in the fridge - leave it at room temp until you are ready to use it.