Wort waiting for yeast...

Due to both time constraints and warm ground water I needed to transfer my wort into the fermenters at 100f.  I’m thinking it isn’t a problem to let that sit in the house (fermenters covered) to get down to a better pitching temp., but I just wanted either confirmation or possible issues with this process.


If your sanitation is good, it shouldn’t be a problem, at least for a little while.

My wort actually sat in the fermenter for 2 full days without yeast two weeks ago and when I finally got back from the hospital to add the yeast everything took off as normal. Seems to me that everything is going ok. I’m going to transfer to secondary sometime Monday or Tuesday. So yours should be fine.

Due to my well water only able to get the wort down to about 72f on a good day, my regular practice is to put the wort in my converted fermenting chest freezer over night to get down to pitching temps. I have yet to have a problem.

Now that is a dedicated brewer. Wort chill on standby while being trucked away on an ambulance… :wink:

Hope you are doing well!

Yeah I’m doing good now. Got rushed to the hospital with extreme abdomen pains, turns out I have Crohns. Bummer, but Ill keep on living well.