Anybody ever use this yeast?
I will preface this by saying I am not a bottling noob-I only bottle and always have for as long as I’ve brewed so I know how to bottle and be patient but this yeast is throwing me…
Belgian IPA
OG 1.084
FG 1.008
Brewed on 1/19 and bottled on 2/8. Bulk primed with 4.71oz with a finished volume of beer of 5 gallons.
When the beer was racked it was crystal clear and no trub was brought with it into the bottling bucket and bottled clear.
Last week I placed a bottle in the fridge for a few days for a sample. Upon pour it was still not fully carbonated which is not my concern as being so large it may just need more time but here is my dilemma: The pour was full of yeast floaties and there appears to be a solid 1/8-1/4 " of sedimant in the bottles and upon viewing my bottles today with a flashlight they all appear to have a large amount of floaties in them. They look like snow globes!
Even the new bottle I placed in the fridge 3 days ago still has yeast suspended in it! This is supposed to be highly flocculent and as mentioned no trub was racked when bottled so I am quite confused…
Any one ever have this happen to them? Mind you, when I tasted the first, flat bottle A week or so ago the beer was fine with no off flavors or faults but I have never had yeast act like this before.