WY2001 Urquell Lager recipe ideas

I had the good fortune to receive a free, fresh Urquell smack-pack.  I’ve only have one lager in the books so I’m hoping folks might suggest some recipes/styles that would be good try with this strain. Cheers!

I use it to make pilsners. It’s very clean, but don’t get alarmed at the sulphur smell it puts off.

Pilsner Urquell clone.  +1 to the sulphur production, it’s major.  Make sure to build up a big starter as well.

If you’re up for a decoction mash try using nothing but bohemian pils base malt and czech saaz hops.

Something like 10-12 lbs of pils malt(depending on your efficiency)

Mash in 122, rest for 10 minutes, decoct thick mash and rest at 157 for 20 minutes then boil for 20 minutes.
Put decoction back in to get to about 147. rest for 20 minutes.
Pull decoction again bring to boil for 5 minutes.
Put back into main mash to raise temp to 157.
Decoct thin mash bring to boil and add back to mash bringing temp to mashout temp of 168.
Sparge with 170 degree water

Boil 90 minutes

add a little bit of saaz at First wort
then do 30,15,5, and flameout additions.

Cool to 46 and pitch onto the equivalent of 4 liquid yeast packs(big starter)

Ferment at 50
Lager 3 months.

Makes a fantastic beer! One of the best Ive made with just base malt and 1 hop.

I’ve really been wanting to try a decoction mash.  I’m taking the holiday week off to relax, catch up on some home chores and mess about in the brewery so this could be the ideal time to try a new process.  Thanks for the suggestions!