I’m on my second batch using Wyeast 1968 (London ESB). The first was a partial-extract pumpkin porter, and this one is an all-grain ESB. In each case, the fermentation completely stopped long before it should have, at about 60% attenuation, resulting in a stuck fermentation.
For the first one, OG was 1.078, and FG was 1.031, an apparent attenuation of 60%; desired FG would have been 1.024. For the ESB, OG was 1.060, and FG was 1.024, to yield an apparent attenuation of 60%; desired FG would have been in the late teens, say 1.017.
Wyeast claim an attenuation range of 67-71 for this strain, which in each case would have gotten my FG down to the desired spot.
Am I just getting unlucky? I nailed the mash on my ESB, and the pumpkin porter was extract, so I’m pretty confident in the sugar content going in…
I’ve brewed plenty of batches with other Wyeast strains (I use them almost exclusively, save for an occasional Nottingham batch), usually with 1056 and 1272 (American Ales), with a couple batches of 1084 (Irish Ale) as well, and I’ve never had problems with these less-flocculant/higher-attenuating strains.
The ESB is still in primary currently, but it has been 3 days at the same SG, so I’m pretty sure it’s done. I tried a gentle swirl of the fermenter when I first noticed fermentation had tapered off, and have done this twice since, doesn’t appear to help restart.
Should I try pitching a more-attenuative yeast onto this batch, to “finish” it? Maybe 1318 (London Ale III)? Or Nottingham? Or S-04?