Wyeast Catalog?

Anyone ever see or have access to a product catalog from Wyeast?  Their website is certainly helpful, but I find a hard copy far more convenient.
I’ve e-mailed Wyeast but havent yet heard back.

I’m looking for something like what White Labs offers…where you can easily compare one yeast to another.
White Labs Catalog

Thanks in advance.

In 20+ years of dealing with Wyeast, I’ve never seen one.  Of course, thay doesn’t mean it doesnt exist.  I think maybe I recall a poster from them at some point that had similar info.

Thanks.  I’ve seen the poster and it is helpful, but unfortunately rather impossible to print legibly.

I generally like hard copies as well, could be a generational thing, IDK. Have not seen anything from Wyeast either.

However, the big drawback with hard copies is as strains are added (or removed) from their selection, the hard copy is no longer current.

Well, ask and you shall receive.

Wyeast replied to my email and sent me their “new” catalog. It’s actually a fold out pamphlet that has a concise description of all their yeasts and a “Find Your Strain” beer style guide.  Very useful.

They’re good people.