i see wyeast available from torontobrewing.ca and homebrewsupplies.ca but i hate their prices on everything else. if i just ordered the single pack of yeast i want by itself it would end up being 35 dollars including shipping. lol nope.
the main ones ive used shortfinger/ontariobeerkegs (my fave and usual site) dont carry wyeast
anyone from canada or ontario have any knowledge about this or your favourite homebrew sites?
Where do you live? Wyeast isn’t widely available like it used to be. Have you tried Escarpment Labs yeast? Shipping has really gone up in the last year. I over build my liquid yeast and keep using it over and over. Canada Post is too slow nowadays. I don’t use them when I buy yeast. I tend to buy lots of things at once so I don’t have to order too many times and pay the crazy shipping rates.
same. i usually plan a set of 4 beers with 2 yeasts. do 2 around the same time, then do the following batch with yeast from the first.
i live in woodstock. havent tried escarpment yet, i see them available at shortfinger brewing, but next up im trying omega. is escarpment any good? i know theyre canadian, but their stuff seems very basic. im still trying out classic liquid yeasts to see which ones i like. their prices are about 14 bucks per yeast sachet vs 10-12 for WLP and omega.
i use OBK and fedex it, it arrives consistently within about 2 or 3 days, well packaged. im pretty happy with OBK the 5 or 6 times ive used them.