Wyeast Old Ale alternatives

Looking to brew an Old Ale around 8% and 52 IBU’s. Was hoping to use Wyeast’s Old Ale strain, but all the shops in the area are out of it. What are some of y’all’s favorite Old Ale yeasts? Obviously looking towards the London or Ringwood options.

Thanks in advance,


WLP007 Dry English Ale.  Good English character.  Able to handle high ABV/OG. 75+% attenuation. Floccs like a ton of bricks.

+1 WLP 007

Thanks guys. I’m so used to using Wyeast I forgot to give White Labs a closer look.


I’ve got one bubbling now on 1728.  Pulled a sample last night and it tastes pretty good.

I recently made one with Wyeast 1945 (Northern Brewer strain). I had excellent results with it. That is my go to yeast for several styles now.

The Wyeast Old Ale yeast has a Brett strain in it, so whichever yeast you go with (I prefer 1469 myself), I would also consider pitching some Brett C in the secondary. That is, if you want to mimic the Wyeast Old Ale strain.


I can tell you that the Old Ale that won gold in last year’s NHC used WLP007. I used it in my last Old Ale too.

Thanks dudes. I think I’ll go with the White Labs 007. Next question, any contamination problems with equipment that touches Brett C if I go in that direction.

Appreciate the sage advice.

Jason Weiss

Bottled: Northern Mild, Oaked Mild, Tangerine Porter
Fermenting: Blonde